Week 13 - May 8, 2017

Hello Everyone! 

Sorry I wasn't able to send out an email last week. A lot has happened in these past couple of weeks. I can't even believe that I'm already on my 5th week, craaazyyy! 

So last week we had zone conference, and let me tell you the things you learn in zone conference are just amazing the spirit is so strong especially when you are filled with a bunch of missionaries. During the conference we learned a lot, but one thing that really stuck out for me was the importance of As missionaries we ourselves should be willing to change. The conversion should start with you, you can't expect them to change when you yourself don't. I have really felt overwhelmed becasue I have felt that Because I have been here for 4 weeks now I still haven't seen any improvements in my language, but I have gotten from this conference is that we can't expect someone who we are teaching to change when I myself don't change the attitude I have. 

I honestly love my Savage Shimai who is constantly so patient with me. Yesterday while we were having our companion inventory she had told me this quote that I will never forget which says "We should be privileged to suffer for the savior". The Savior had suffered for us so that we can live on this earth and gain a family and most importantly to be able to repent of our sins so that we can live with our Heavenly Father again. What a great blessing. The hard times I face here on my mission can't even be compared to what the Savior did for us. 

This week we also did splits with the Nagamachi sisters. I loved being able to spend time with other missionaries and see in other perspectives of how each missionary does things differently. On my first Splits with Bean Shimai we went and weeded crops owned by a vegetable company in Nagamachi. The next splits I had was with one of the STLs. Lefront Shimai! Honestly one of the cutest and amazing human being ever! While we were heading to an investigator's home my tire on my bike decided to pop, and we started to walk our bikes but because we still had a long ways to go and not a lot of time Lafront Shimai offered to run with my bike and I ride hers! What a trooper! I offered to run it but she kept insisting. So as I rode her bike really slowly she ran right behind me. 

Today was a great day, we had our district Pday and went on this beautiful hike in Yamadeta. The view was amazing and I have to say it was a lot of fun. 

I hope everyone is having a fantastic week, I know I am. The spirit is so strong here and everyday I am so grateful for this great opportunity to be a missionary and serve the Lord. 

Love you all lots! 

Bamba 姉妹


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