Week 15 - May 22, 2017

Hello Everyone! 

Where can I even BEGIN! A lot of things happend this week. First of all, we had our transfer calls this week, I will be staying here is Yamagata, but my trainer will be transferring. I've learned so much in my first transfer here. 
So many things that I never thought I would have been able to do. Savage Shimai has really pushed me, and I know she pushed me for the best. 

This week one of our investigators Nihei San said yes to a baptismal date! The lessons that we have with her have always been so good, she asks us so many questions, and is so willing to just know more, but what was hard was that whenever we mentioned Baptism, or invited her to be baptised she would always say no, not becasue she didn't want to but becasue she wasn't sure, she didn't think she knew enough yet to commit to a date. But something about this lesson made it so special, not becasue it was almost  a 2 hour lesson,  but Savage Shimai and I wanted her to know how important Baptism is and that how Baptism is the gate to happiness, and really emphasize on the blessings we recieve when we are baptized. She still was really hesitant, but After we asked her to be baptized she asked us about the rule in drinking tea, because her being giving up on drinking tea would be hard. As we were talking with her she would keep just keep talking to us and telling us how hard it is, then would say, "you say you understand, but do you really?" And after hearing her say that, I had this prompting to share my dad's  experience of drinking coffee, and how at a young age loved drinking coffee, but was able to stop because he knew the importance of keeping the word of wisdom. She was so surprised she even asked me how is he now? And I told her, he never gets tempted in drinking coffee anymore. I still don't know a lot of Nihongo, but even though my Japanese was not strong, the spirit was still there during that lesson , and I knew that me sharing that story about my dad was a prompting from our Heavenly Father. 

Alot to write but not a lot of time. I hope everyone is having a fantastic week. My mission is getting better and better each day, I can feel each one of your prayers. 

Love you lots, 



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