Week 16 - May 28, 2017

Hello Everyone!

This week was a good week. We had transfers which only means that I am on my second Transfer! I honestly couldn't believe it.  I am yet getting to know all the missionaries here, so when we all met up for transfers it was a blast getting to know everyone.

At the MTC when I was getting an interview with one of the branch presidency, he told me of a story of how he had a missionary who spoke another language and so when she had to learn Japanese it was hard and she because it was hard she would tell herself how she wished she can just speak her own language. Long story short, when she got to the field she realized that she not only spoke Japanese, but she was also able to speak to people in her own LANGUAGE! 
Before I got my mission call I really thought I was going to go to the Philippines because of the amount of Tagalog I've learned throughout the year, so When I learned I was going to Japan, of course I was excited, but it wasn't till I started learning the language where I felt like I would never be able to learn the language, and wished I was placed in a place where I can speak the language. This week I got to stop a filipino woman, it was really funny because when I stopped her I started to speak in Japanese and I remember looking at her thinking she is not from here, and so when she told me where she was from I got so excited and we just started talking in Tagalog. How cool is that! Anyways this lady was super sweet, and I asked her if she had any religious back ground and she told me how she has been really wanting to go to church but doesn't know where in Japan. So we got to invite her, She wasn't  able to go this Sunday but we got to make an appointment with her to meet up...I love missionary work!

As for my new companion Bean Shimai she is honestly great! I've done splits with her last transfer, so I have already got to know her, but she had been so amazing this past week.

This weekend we also had a stake conference in Sendai, it was a good weekend filled with such spiritual messages. One talk that really stuck out to me on Sunday was from the Stake President who talked about finding joy in the gospel of Jesus Christ. He also talked about the importance of building a foundation upon the Gospel, and taught many ways we can gain that foundation. 

This Sunday I also  had a huge surprise and got to see one of my friend Elizabeth from home. It was crazy, I first saw her mom waving at me than realizing that 1. She was a guyjin, than 2. Realizing that remember who she was. What a great surprise.

Last transfer was a blast, and I've learned so much, and I am so excited to be able to learn more each transfer! 

Love you all, 


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