Week 19 - June 25, 2017

みなさんこんにちわ !

Ahhh where has the time gone? I know I shouldn't  be counting, but I can't believe I'm on my 12th week. 

One fun thing that happand this week was splits and that I was companions with a Nihongin for a day! I know it may not sound that exciting, but I was pretty excited.Their is something about being with a native speaker that makes mission work very different. I loved it! I learned so much from her. Another blessing we had last week was that we went to Costco!!! Honestly emptied my wallet, but so worth it! 

So miracle of the week. Last Sunday one of the members brought one of their deaf friends to church! Kikuchi San. Everyone was super nice to her and welcomed her. She even went to the Shuwa Sunday school. Bean Shimai and I were super excited for her, but we also didn't want to make her feel to pushed, so we decided that if she came again next Sunday then we will ask if she wanted to take mission discussions. Long story short, we get a call on Wednesday from the ward mission leader telling us that Kikuchi San wanted to do a lesson with us, and how she was  also going to church.

This transfer Bean Shimai and I have been really wanting to create a better relationship with the members, and it has been really great as we got to know each one of them. Last week we got invited to have dinner at the bishop`s home. They have these three boys who were super energetic the whole time, and Sister Misawa who was so sweet. All in all we had a great night. We shared this really fun lesson on sharing and had the boys give up a candy that we gave them, and share their puzzle piece, or keep their candy and not share. They all gave up their candy, and after we gave them 2. We then promised them that The Lord will bless us when we choose to share. 

Nihongo is still hard. I can't lie and say it's been easy, but I have honestly learned a lot. During my studies this week I came across this scripture in Alma. When we put oir trust in the Lord he will supported in our trails. He loves us. But we must have faith in Him, and give our 110%, and lean against him so that When we lean we won't fall. 

Alma 36:3
3 And now, O my son Helaman, behold, thou art in thy youth, and therefore, I beseech of thee that thou wilt hear my words and learn of me; for I do know that whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day.

Love you all, and miss each one of you. 


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