Week 20 - July 3, 2017

Hello Everyone,

I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. Here it's been really hot and humid. 

On Monday we had our District Pray. It was a lot of fun. We again went to Yamadera, but this time it felt like a breeze going up the mountain. We then all went to a Ramen place (my first one in Japan). No regrets! 

So here every Wednesday, we also teach do English classes, but after the class we also share a small message. Well, last week we had one of the students come to us and told us how she has been having the hardest time this past 3 years, and how the messages we share after class has helped her to overcome some of those trails. We then promised her that Heavenly Father loves her and watching over her, she then started to cry and accepted our invitation for us to talk to her more. It was such an amazing experience. 

This week we had to say goodbye to President Smith and Sister Smith. I haven't know them to long, but they have been such great examples to me and it was sad to see them go. Last Tuesday we had our last zone conference with them, it was such a spiritual conference, I learned so much. One thing that they had discussed in conference was obtaining Christlike attributes. One thing that President Smith had said "What you should value more It's who we are. Not what we say". Yes its so important to be aware of what you say, but he then continued and explained how 

So that being said, one attribute that I have been really focusing on is Faith. Faith that I will be able to overcome the challenges that I face each day. Faith that when I open my mouth, Heavenly Father will help me with the Language. As I end my first 12 weeks on the field I have been really trying to get out of my comfort zone, and I am not going to lie, it's been hard. But when I do, I can see heavenly Father helping me. 

We have seen so many great miracles this week, from me finding my key on the street in the dark after crashing my bike, to finally getting in contact with an investigator after my companion having a dream that she finally saw a light in one of our investigators apartment, who we havent been able to contact because she was never home. 

It's these small tender mercies that have strengthened my testimony, that He lives, and that Heavenly Father is watching over all of His Children. 

Hoping everyone is having a fantastic week. And for all my Canadain Friends, Hope you had a great Canada Day 🇹🇩. 

Love you, 


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